is the first step on the journey to reaching your summit!
Performance Coaching
Building a performance culture with individuals and teams in a business environment facilitates the achievement of challenging goals.
The realisation of this objective results in achieving more, in a shorter time, at a higher level of effectiveness with a lot less effort and stress.
Building a Championship Mindset for individuals and teams maximises the possibility of outcome goals being realised.
Strategies include developing awareness, building strong routines, visualisation, confidence training, relaxation, performance evaluation, accountability and distraction control strategies.
Individualised coaching is effective for professional or personal growth and development. A strong rapport between coach and client becomes a powerful driver for lasting change, improvement, and positive engagement with life.
Personal coaching provides the ongoing support, guidance, and dialogue that leads to sustainable change.

John is a Performance Coach and the founder of AOK Performance Coaching. He is passionate about the power of Mindset and Leadership to drive lasting change in business, sports teams, and individual lives. John’s dynamic and individualized approach to enhancing performance helps clarify vision, create championship team cultures, and achieve sustainable results.
A qualified Personal & Business Coach, NLP Practitioner and certified in the Therapeutic use of Mindfulness, John’s approach is strongly influenced by positive psychology and the effect of brain functioning on performance. He is committed to helping individuals, teams and organizations build systems that are conducive to performance excellence.
Golf Course Road
Co. Donegal
Tel: +353 86 605 0156